Saturday, December 19, 2009

Gifts I Give Myself

Things I Have Done in My Life and OH SO Glad I Did

Grew Up in a Small Town
Eaten Mulberries off the bush
Owned, Rode and Loved a Horse
Spent a great deal of time in the mountains
Known true love
Hiked through Yellowstone National Park and the Tetons
Birthed four beautiful daughters
Swam in the ocean, especially the warm gulf waters.
Witnessed the Sandhill Crane migration.
Learned to love being alone
Skied in Colorado
Became sober and gained recovery from alcoholism/addiction
And witnessed this miracle in many others
Had great sex.
Tasted luscious sea scallops in wine sauce.
Invented an imaginary family.
Made some extraordinary friendships
Had soothing therapeutic massages
Grown my own roses.
Watched the elk rut and bugling in RMNP
Eaten a banana split
Been loved unconditionally by many golden retrievers
Grown and gained insight through therapy
Cooked on a barbecue grill with a bison in Yellowstone
Learned yoga and meditation
Have lived in a small city
Cried at the sound of beautiful music
Read some amazing poetry and written some myself.
Belonged to the Girl Scouts
Soaked in a Jacuzzi under the stars
Ridden a motorcycle over the Continental Divide
Witnessed the births of my daughter’s firstborn children
Watched unbelievable sunrises and sunsets.
Owe No One. Own our house, cars, everything free and clear.
Held my mother’s hand when she went to Heaven
Believe in a Higher Power

Some Things I Haven’t Done But Would Love To Do

1) Haven’t seen Yellowstone in Winter
2) See truly wild animals in Africa
3) Gaze upon Denali /Mt. McKinley
4) Have coffee with some of my dear on line friends in person!
5) Visit Yosemite
6) Experience Gratitude and Serenity Everyday

Gifts I Give Myself

Permission to be ME, I am Enough
Meditation and guided imagery
Yoga and Centering
A Daily Gratitude List
A Daily Inventory
Alone time
Cuddle time with my pups
Allow myself mistakes, I’m not perfect
Live in the moment, it’s all we have. : )

Merry Christmas


  1. I'm going to do this!!! :o)
    Merry Christmas!

  2. Loved reading this!

    (except for maybe the had great sex part haha)
