Today’s Thoughts
Wow, so much has been going on in the world and in my life, I haven’t had time to write or even know how to pick a subject to write about.
So many different activities have been going on, I’ve had to miss some in order to attend others.
A great workshop called I am Moonrise went on this weekend at Spring Creek Prairie and I had to miss that in order to participate in the poetry reading my Write Stuff group did at Deer Springs Winery. The reading was wonderful with five very good and different writers reading their work. Plus there was beautiful music courtesy of Randy and Pam Barger. My husband came to hear me read and the writers as well as the musicians inspired him. He used to play guitar and it made him miss it. We ended the evening with ice cream and it felt like we had been on a date.
Then Sunday I missed the reading of a play about domestic violence. It is written about the murder of Amanda, the daughter of a friend of mine. I was sorry I had to miss it and look forward to seeing the actual play. I am sure the play is very powerful and emotional!
But my reason for missing that reading was that it was my grandson Garrett’s FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!! It was so much fun and lots of family were there. We had a great time, and even though Garrett had a cold, he seemed to enjoy his day! Today is his actual birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET GARRETT DANIEL!!!!
So today I am tired, sore but content. I am taking it easy, reading, writing and cuddling with my pups. I really don’t have much insightful to say except, Listen to your spirit and follow where it leads.
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