Monday, March 8, 2010

Living In The Moment

I was thinking last night about writing this week’s blog on Living in the Moment. I had some specific examples and should have written them down because now I have forgotten what they were! See if I was living in the moment, I’d have grabbed a pen right then and there!
I do know that when I was young, I really didn’t live in the moment. I was always waiting for the next thing. Hoping, dreaming in suspended animation. Waiting for when I’d be old enough to date, old enough to drive, go to college, get married, buy a house, have kids, etc. and my biggest one = when I lose weight. No matter how much I weighed, I was never thin enough. Looking back, I WAS THIN!!!! But due to my total distorted body image I couldn’t see it. I actually rarely agreed to have my photo taken due to thinking I was fat! Today I am somewhat overweight but now I focus on the moment, not “when ”.
When I did have kids, I wanted to treasure each moment but I also thought about when they would crawl, when they’d walk, feed themselves, talk, etc.
Now my daughters are grown with their own families. Today I do live in the moment with them and my grandchildren, cherishing each second, each smile, kiss, hug and word.
Maybe age has something to do with us learning to live in the moment and absorb life going on around us. Spiders only live a few weeks. I am sure they don’t worry about “when I get this web done”. Dogs live such short life spans compared to humans. Just watch your dog and you will see how they take each moment as it comes. They find so much enjoyment in their treats and food. Totally adore a kind word or stroking of their head. My boys radiate joy when they retrieve over and over again.
My mother died four years ago of a brain aneurysm. I  had lunch with her on Thursday and she fell unconscious Friday evening and died on Monday.  I am so grateful that we had left nothing unsaid. She knew I loved her and I knew she loved me. Because we told each other all the time.
I have tried to express my feelings and gratitude in the moment for all those close to me. I want no regrets.
Living in the moment leaves no room for worry or regret. When you take care of things as they happen, be it sharing your gratitude or making amends, you will live life to the fullest.
Most of all, living in the moment enables us to enjoy each and every second of this amazing life of which God has blessed us. Every sunny day, every butterfly, snowflake, hawk, rainbow, child’s giggle or kiss from a loved one. Cherish each second.


  1. Well said, Deb

  2. So true! Maybe it takes watching your own kids grow up far too quickly to realize how soon those precious moments are in the past. I find myself watching my granddaughters as if I am trying to take a mental picture of them for those coming years when they are grown. When did Sophia become a second grader? I don't remember that happening. When did Lily step from babyhood into upcoming Kindergarten? And wasn't Cheri pregnant with almost-walking Pearl just yesterday? Geesh! P.S. Love the Lilacs...
