Sunday, February 28, 2010

Please Spring COME!!!!

I know we ALL are longing desperately for signs of SPRING. (it's twenty days away!) This has been a LONG COLD winter with more snow than we would have ever imagined. (Staying Positive that snow is over and GREEN is on it's way!) I saw a group of robins near the street on Friday , narrowly missing some that flew in front of my car. The temp is still below normal in our area but at least it's above freezing which feels like a heat wave. The warmer weather triggers Spring Fever after so many weeks of cabin fever!
Last spring my husband finally removed our old jacuzzi from the deck which had been nonfunctioning for several years. I am hoping we can rebuild our deck this spring so we have more room to entertain guests or just to have family dinners. Since I am unable to do the work myself, I am staying positive that my husband and sons in law may get it accomplished!
My garden right now is still covered in snow (and underneath the snow : dog poop) and will require some work to bring it back to it's former beauty. Hopefully the snow was a good insulator and protected my roses from the cold temps. We didn't have any freeze/thaw/freeze action this year which was actually a life savor for all my plants.
Here's to green, splashes of pastels and sun!!!!
The photos below are of my garden in spring!

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