Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What Nurtures Me

An exercise I have used for years with my counseling clients and for myself. Making a list of what nurtures my soul, my inner self today fills me with comfort and serenity. Reading it regularly along with meditating on my vision board enables me to feel better about myself and where I am going.

Some of my old list still applies but as we change and grow, so does what nurtures us.

The scent of pine and the crisp breezes in the Rockies.

A mocha, either at home on my deck or at a coffee shop with a girlfriend.

Cuddles with my two golden retrievers, Gunner and Sasha. ALWAYS!

My beautiful David Austin roses in the garden. And the scent!!!! Gone to Heaven!

Spending time with our eight grandchildren. They are such a trip and so fun! And then they go home!!!

Having dinner with my hubby at The Dunraven Inn in Estes Park. Their bay scallops and mushrooms in wine sauce are to die for!

Alone time: meditating, reading my favorite blogs, or watching HGTV.

Driving to the Rockies with my husband, classic rock like Bob Seger or the Eagles in the CD player.

Listening to the elk bugle during the rut in RMNP.

Creating a vision board.

Saying the Serenity Prayer anytime.

Reading a novel I can’t put down.

A yummy Cobb Salad at Lazlo’s. (one of my faves!)

The warm gulf waters and hunting for gorgeous shells.

Setting my eyes on Long’s Peak for the first time every year. It makes my heart swell.

College football season every year!! Love everything about it, the games, the fall weather, changing leaves, wearing sweatshirts with shorts and brisk temps. LOVE it!

Hearing “How It Works” from the AA Big Book. Divinely inspired.

These are just a few of the marvelous things that nurture my soul.

What nurtures you? Just think of all five senses and what moves your soul.


  1. Such great ideas...just reading and visioning yours helped. I may just have to try this. ~smiles~

  2. Wonderful post, Deb, and a great reminder for me to do more of this. I get so caught up in dealing with Julia's never-ending drama that I often lose myself.

  3. My animals, especially my horse, are what nurture me. I love my husband very much, but when I need to recharge I head to the pasture to nuzzle some horse hair!
