Sunday, August 23, 2009

Having Enough

I have been clearing out, purging the house, of STUFF. Stuff I don’t need, don’t use, have held on to because some day I might wear it , use it or need it? Don’t think so.
I was feeling confined, stuck, and constricted .So out went clothes I hadn’t worn in the last year, piles of shoes (EECK!), and all kinds of Tupperware and nontupperware (butter containers). Junk, like a heart shaped wafflemaker I maybe used once a year (GUESS!) roller blades that belonged to my older daughters, now moved out on their own for twelve years! Most precious of all: BOOKS.
I am a compulsive book reader and buyer. So I had amassed bookcases and stacks of books. Hundreds to go through and sort. Do I want this book? Is it one I read over and over? (I do that) A Keep and Treasure pile and an It GOES pile.
So it all went to Goodwill and the books to the library! Whew! That feels good.

It opened up space. Not only in my house but also in my head and soul. Opened me up for new good things to come into my life. Precious gifts from Spirit. Health. Creativity. Humility. Love.

I am not waiting with bated breath. I am living with intention. I see the brilliant beautiful smile of my grandson Grant whose four-year-old face just GLOWS! I enjoy the beauty of each luscious barely opened blossom on my David Austin roses. My breath sucks in at the sight of the first Monarch butterfly to visit my garden this summer. Cuddling with my soft silky goldens destresses me in five minutes.

I have gratitude. Everyday I say or offer up thank you’s for this rich life I have been blessed to hold. Thank you for these scrambled eggs. Thank you for my good friends who I can call when the road gets hazy. Thank you for my three beautiful daughters who always bring me joy. Thank you for a husband/partner who supports me in many ways. Thank you for this comfortable home where thoughts, prayers and dreams can manifest!

Today I have enough and life is good.

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