Monday, September 17, 2012

Finding Our Own Path

A friend of mine is subletting her condo and letting spirit guide her into a path of minimalism and travel.  She has sold, given away and boxed her possessions and is going to live out of her SUV for the next year at least.  She is flying free.

My path has led me to a nest. It's the same house where we raised our children but has become my rest zone since I have been disabled.  I needed a space where comfort was key! So I did much cleaning out of anything I didn't absolutely love or hadn't used in several years. Design has always been a great love of mine so it worked right in to decorating with natural elements that soothe and destress me. Comfortable couches and chairs. Plenty of soft pillows and throws. Warm wood and natural accessories like pine cones, shells, rocks and candles. This room walks out onto our deck where living nature abounds. Relaxing in a comfortable chair with my mocha and a book is definitely healing. Or throwing the ball for our two goldens or deadheading roses in the garden soothes my soul.  The rest of the first floor, the master bedroom, bath, kitchen and my creativity studio have all been redone to reflect my desire for comfort. Since I spend so much time here I want to feel warm, cozy and safe. A cocoon conducive to healing and growth. When I lean back to relax, I let out a calming breath of "Ahhhh"

It's always a work in progress because that feeds my creativity, but I know my home will always be my safe harbor through fair weather and storm.

Where is spirit leading you?

Friday, September 7, 2012


Mitch Albom has a new book out called The Time Keeper. It deals with our perception of time and what we do with the time we have. I have been processing this lately, Since I've realized I have more time behind me than ahead. At least on earth.

I wasted so much time worrying about stupid things. Mainly how fat I was (most of the time it was my perception, not reality) how my hair looked. How my kids looked and acted. How everyone else was doing or NOT doing.Like it was any business of mine!. How BUSY I was.  It's too bad we can't learn these lessons early instead of later in life. But THANK GOD I know now.

Today I live to enjoy every minute. Treasure every hour.  Nurture myself. And love those around you. Do you want your last minutes on earth to be spent worrying about your size? Exercise?  Gossiping about someone ?
Rushing around like a chicken with no head? Yelling at your kids?

SLOW DOWN!!! Take deep breaths. Yes, smell the roses, or lavender. Sit on the deck, pet your dog, cuddle your child. Life here is short.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Well I haven't gotten to my new Vision Board yet. I don't think I'm procrastinating , I have either been down and out or busy with friends/family. Part of pacing myself.

But the other reason is I am addicted to PINTEREST!!!  Are any of you? It is a humongous electronic vision board! I have been creating more and more boards. I started out with a couple and I was kind of picky with what I pinned. Then I realized why? The photos and ideas are endless!! To infinity and beyond! I have boards for house decor, recipes (which I have using often!) DIY things I may or may not ever use, and photos of things that I just love and make me feel good. Whether they are clothes, places I have been or want to visit or just pictures that make me feel good!! I love it!!

I go through and look at my boards,just like I use a Vision Board and I feel good. Some have memories of family vacations, holidays, our dogs or just a simple beautiful candlestick!  I also have found clothes, books, jewelery and many ideas for crafts on PINTEREST.

If you haven't been invited, email me and I'll invite you! I love it and it is a place of inspiration and manifestation to me!!